Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Sharing in the LOVE!!!

So, I hope everyone had a great week-end. I sure did! The funny thing about VD day is EVERYONE in the familia wants to get in on the love. Even the dog and cat called a truce and decided to get along. See? They even took a nap together!!

I thought this was too ca-ute!!!

We had a very nice dinner, I grilled steaks and lobster on the grill (it was even snowing) and then we watched Fool's Gold. I loved this movie! My husband even thought it was o.k. (he is more of an action movie type). I had to admit I did a little dreaming of oceans and beaches and warm weather activities!!!

Sissy went back to the ski resort and life is back to normal. The sun is shining and I am once again thinking of spring and all the hopes and promises that this special season holds for us all.

I am going to bake my bread this morning so I can sew this afternoon.I am making bunnies!!!Lots and lots of bunnies. I will share them after they are completed.

Have a blessed day. Pam

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