Sunday, February 22, 2009

Meet Miss Missy!!!

Have I properly introduced you all to Miss Missy? Well here she is...I just love her so much. She does embroidery too. I have to admit that I am not very up on that part of the machine. I just love the features on her. I wish I had a little girl to sew pretty dresses for.

Right now I am concentrating on bunnies. I am convinced that if I make them spring will come. Let's hope I am right on this assumption.

I have been buying lots of seeds and can't wait till next month when I can start to plant them for seedlings. I am not getting as excited as I did last year as I put too many out too early and had a lot of frozen little plants.I have learned my lesson though, patience is a virtue you know.

Has everyone heard of the new smartly? Hey, I guess I have been cooler than I thought!!I never dreamed that shopping sales and using coupons would become a trend, for me it's an everyday way of life.

Well, enough on my ramblings, I will try and post pocs of my bunny family sometime this week.
Until then, have a blessed day. pam
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